
Pitch 1- A girl who is going through her 5 stages of heartbreak. Pitch 2- Four people anonymously invited to a party, but arrive to an escape room house that is a strangers project. Pitch 3- A girl who chose to move to a new society to live a perfect life, realized she's stuck there once she arrived. I'm in favor of pitch one because i think it could be replicated the most realistically. As teens, we can imitate a "heartbreak" quite accurately. Teenage actors tend to dramatize heartbreaks to an extreme. I think this pitch can fit into many genres as well. It can be a comedy as well as a drama or horror film. It's a general idea that my group can alter with our personal ideas depending on the genre we chose. Pitch three would be my second choice. I think this could open my mind to quite creative ideas for the film. It seems like it would feature a young adult ready to start their new life and then a major conflict occurred stopping the main character from their ...