
 We have completed filming and have now started the editing process. We are using a combination of CapCut and iMovie on a computer. Both of these apps are accessible on an Iphone but are more efficiently used on computers. These apps offer much more editing options on a computer compared to the limited options the same app offers on an iphone. The primary app we chose to use was capcut. Ive only previously used Imovie so this will be something new for me. My group member Brianna got refered to capcut by a friend so it was exciting to try something new that worked for a friend for the same purpose. On saturday we added all of the clips together and made sure it fit the time limit correctly. While editing, we noticed that certain clips fit better with certain transitions. The transitions were the most difficult part because it took a lot of trial and error. We also had to change the placement of certain clips to make sure they fit together smoothly. On sunday, after all of the clips were together in the way we both approved of, we went on to add the background music and diegetic sound.


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