Filming Blog

 Filming was a new experience for everybody. My group filmed on December 3rd. My group picked this specific date because it correlated with the song.  The song starts off with the lyrics "I still remember the third of December". When i found out i would be filming in the month of December, it only made sense to choose that date. My friend Madison agreed to film for us since one of our group members was ill. Madison's mom drove us to the park and waited for us to film the video. We were very thankful to be provided transportation to the park,  however, we didn't want to keep her mother waiting for too long so the filming process felt rushed. Even though my group followed the storyboard, filming was a bit complicated. When theres a group of people working together, it can be hard to accommodate everyones ideas. We attempted to film each scene at least two times just in case we would run into any problems while editing. We filmed at a public park which also brought some complications. As we were filming, a homeless man sat on the other side of the benches and got in the way of the video. He was filling up water bottles and doing his own thing so it would be rude to ask him to leave. The scenes on that bench had to only be filmed once since the civilian would interfere with the video. Some things that we put on the storyboard didn't look the best when we actually filmed it. We slightly changed minor things so that the video would look better. The weather was nice which we were very thankful for. Even considering the minor complications we ran into, we all had a great time filming. I am confident the video will turn out well and it will all have been worth it. 


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