Editing complete!

 After 3 days of work. We have finished the editing process. This still leaves a lot of room for improvements. I have not yet done a peer review but each day i rewatch the film with a fresh mind and see what i can change. I found that the most complicated aspect was transitions. The transitions from scene to scene are a very important factor of the film. Transitions can create certain effects for the audience or make the seem either flow choppy or smooth. The actual content for the film connected with each other very nicely. While filming, i was confident that thee clips would fit nicely with the plot. After editing, the plot seemed to be very clear and all the specific factors such as angles, costumes and lighting made a large contribution to the realistic effect. I think that making the film about a teenage relationship was a good idea because it contributes to the realistic approach of the drama film. We used teenage actors to allow the audience to relate themselves to the characters playing part in the drama element. The point of the drama genre is to leave an intrigued feeling for the audience. If the audience can relate to the characters, they can put themselves in the situation of the character and feel empathetic to the characters, allowing them to engage more. The costume change was a great contribution to the plot and it keeps the audience engaged to figure out why the costume change is relevant to the characters. Im excited to see what more people think about my film. 


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